Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Transformation is an alteration in perception, a change in focus, moving in a different direction. It is a process that begins with a question that focuses our attention on what we are observing. It alters our perception and causes us to change our direction. Our change in direction causes us to experience a different reality. In turn, that experience causes a transformation in us. Transformation is the process that allows us to achieve the task at hand. The more we participate in this dynamic process, the easier and more rewarding life becomes. Discover how the following alterations in perception can radically change your life.

1. We are not alone. In the depths of our depression, despair or anger it is difficult to see that others have experienced what we are going through. The more alone or isolated we feel, the more difficult the task becomes. Our ability to see, acknowledge and accept that we are not alone changes our reality. It gives us the motivation, comfort and reassurance
we need to accomplish the task at hand.

2. Everyone is doing the best they can. It is easy to criticize or judge another, especially ourselves. Our expectations of others and ourselves prevent us from seeing that each of us is unique and that we are doing the best we can. Allowing others to be themselves and experience their uniqueness changes our reality. We cease to critique and begin to value and respect uniqueness. In turn, we become a supportive ally rather than a derogatory spectator.

3. We learn what is right by experiencing what is wrong. We live in an imperfect world so that we can learn perfection. Nothing new would ever be learned if we were never to err. Our errors provide the motivation, the environment and the resources needed to learn. Seeing err as a potential learning experience changes our reality. We take ourselves less seriously and allow ourselves to err. The more we do that, the more open and flexible we become. In turn, we learn more and discover how enjoyable learning can be. Life becomes an exciting adventure rather than dull, boring or tedious.

4. How we respond is more important than what occurred. It does not matter what happened to us or who did it to us. What matters is what we do about it. Focusing our attention on what happened to us or who is at fault does not resolve anything because it prevents us from seeing what we can do about it. Attentively observing how everything affects us emotionally and how we respond changes our focus. In turn, we see what we can do to resolve the problem and prevent it from occurring again.

5. We are always experiencing what we need to experience. Problems and undesirable predicaments cause us to focus on what we do not have. In turn, we pursue what will not resolve the problem and unknowingly reject the assistance we desire. Focusing our attention on what we have alters our reality. We cease to pursue and begin to examine and develop what
we have. In turn, we allow life to assist us in achieving our objective. Seeing life as our ally rather than our foe allows us to achieve the impossible.

6. Everything serves a purpose or it ceases to exist. Nothing in life is ever really wasted. Everything we encounter and do in life helps us to learn and grow. We unknowingly judge life, others and ourselves when we see things as being good or bad, right or wrong. Looking at everything as a possibility, a probability or potential resource alters our focus. In turn, we cease to judge and begin to discover opportunities we never knew existed.

7. We learn from observing and embracing differences. More of the same begets sameness and stifles our growth. Sameness, the known and routines give us a false sense of security and cause us to be fearful. The more fearful we are, the more comfort we seek in the familiar or the known. Disrupting our routine and embracing differences changes our focus. In
turn, we stimulate our growth and diminish our fears. The less fearful we are, the more security we find in the unknown.

8. To see what we were doing, we have to stop what we are doing. The slower we move, the less blurred our vision and the more we see. Doing nothing allows us to see more. Focusing our attention on what we are observing allows us to see even more. The best sight of all is free of all distractions, especially thought. All our senses and every part of our being is focused on what we are observing. This qualitative sight is commonly called meditation. We begin to meditate when we cease to
pursue. The more we meditate, the more we function with consciousness rather than thought. In turn, we realize that our consciousness provides us with everything we need.

9. Everything is constantly changing. It is impossible to hold on to anything in life for everything is constantly changing. Holding on to the past keeps us in the past and prevents us from experiencing what is new. The past is the known. Challenging the known alters our focus and allows us to “let go” of the past so we can experience what is new. Open-ended
questions challenge the known and facilitate the detachment process.

10. Questions are more beneficial than answers. Just as each step begets another, our path through life is determined by the questions we ask. Each open-ended "what" and "why" question begets another question rather than an answer. Thought, in its pursuit for more knowledge, seeks answers. Answers never resolve anything because they are “more of the same” rather than something “new.” "How" questions seek knowledge rather than understanding. Asking "what" and "why" questions changes our focus and allows us to understand what we are observing. The understanding gained from one question causes us to formulate another question that helps us gain a deeper and more fuller understanding than its

Affordable Wedding Dresses

There is no way to avoid it: weddings are expensive. The average cost of a wedding in the United States is a jaw dropping $30,000! As part of this figure, brides across America are paying on average between $800 to $1,500 for their wedding dresses. I know your wedding is a very special day, but no matter how you look at it, that is a lot of money for something you will likely wear once. Fortunately, with a bit of work, you can bring this price down to a more realistic number. One way you can do this is by finding affordable wedding dresses.

Buying a custom made wedding dress is often portrayed as being essential if you want to look your best. However, unless you have a very unusual body shape, this will almost always be unnecessary. Just buy a dress off the rack and take it to a good tailor for alterations to have it fitted to your body shape. And because you are buying the dress off the rack, you have immediately increased the number of places were you could actually hope to find an affordable wedding dress. Visit bridal outlet stores without worrying that the dress will fit you like a paper bag.

No matter where you buy your wedding dress, the number one area to save on when buying a wedding dress is in the fabric. You will, of course, only be wearing the dress once, so you do not need to worry about the long term viability of the dress. You can also assume that no one will pull you aside as you walk down the aisle to check your tag! However, this is not to say that you should be getting a polyester gown! Even using a lower quality satin instead of the standard high quality satin can cut the cost of the dress up two thirds. And frankly, the difference will not be noticeable to anyone in attendance, let alone in the wedding photos. Most designers will offer their wedding dresses in different fabrics; if they are not up front about advertising the fact, go ahead and ask.

You are not going to be able to avoid paying a lot for your wedding, but you can take steps to find affordable wedding dresses. And most importantly, you can do it in a way that will not make you any less beautiful on your big day.

Peppermint Oil For Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a painful and frustrating disorder of the intestines that is very difficult to treat. It causes cramps, gassiness, bloating, and alterations in bowel habits and is called a functional disorder because there is no visible sign of the disease when the colon is examined. Although irritable bowel syndrome causes a great amount of pain and distress, there is not any damage actually occurring in the intestines. The symptoms range from mild to severe and depend upon the person. Some people may experience diarrhea, while others may have constipation, and still others may experience both. This disorder is caused by hyperactivity of the intestine, with individuals having irritable bowel syndrome to be more reactive to stressors and diet than usual. Researchers also believe that irritable bowel syndrome can also be caused by emotional problems or significant amounts of stress. Although everyone experiences queasiness as a response to everyday stress or certain foods, those with irritable bowel syndrome have and exaggerated response.

Irritable bowel syndrome is very common, being one of the most frequent problems seen by family physicians. Because so many people suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, the disorder results in significant socioeconomic costs along with a reduction in quality of life for many individuals. A person suffering from irritable bowel syndrome will have abdominal cramps and pain, sometimes severe and disabling. The person’s bowel movements will be irregular and range between diarrhea and constipation. Other symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome include abdominal bloating, passing of gas, nausea, lack of appetite, heartburn, belching, disrupted sleep, fatigue, anxiousness, and depression. A person diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome will have the continued presence of the above symptoms for at least three months and all other intestinal conditions including Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, colon cancer, inflammatory conditions of the stomach or pancreas, ulcers, infectious disease, or gastroesophogeal reflux disease will have been ruled out.

There have been a few natural alternatives to the over-the-counter drugs that are prescribed by doctors. These include enteric-coated peppermint oil and clown’s mustard, which both have significant amounts of scientific research behind them and have been demonstrated to benefit individuals with irritable bowel syndrome. Clown’s mustard, also called wild candytuft or bitter candytuft, is a white-flowering plant from Spain. However, it is also grown in Britain, France, and the United States. Its key components are glycosides and flavonoids that have specific actions on the gastrointestinal tract. There has been a great deal of impressive research on clown’s mustard, in conjunction with other herbs, which has proven great success on those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome and other gastrointestinal diseases. Studies have proven that clown’s mustard can reduce symptoms of abdominal pain and diarrhea. Clown’s mustard can also help those who suffer from symptoms similar to irritable bowel syndrome as a result of long time medications for cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, and autoimmune diseases that have caused erosion of the stomach lining and ulcers. Reglan, which is often prescribed by physicians to reduce the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, is not only an effective medication, but it also has numerous side effects. These side effects include fatigue, anxiety, agitation, jitteriness, insomnia, yellowing of the skin or eyes, changes in vision, hallucinations, and seizures. Because of its serious side effects Reglan can not be taken for a period longer than twelve weeks. When comparing Reglan to clown’s mustard, both give the same improvement to symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. However, side effects occur much more frequently with those that take Reglan verses those that take Clown’s mustard and Clown’s mustard has no limit on the duration of use.

Peppermint oil has also been shown to relax the intestinal muscle. People suffering from irritable bowel syndrome in Great Britain are currently being prescribed peppermint oil by physicians, where it has been used as a digestive aid to soothe upset stomach for many generations. Recent research has proven that peppermint oil shows significant effects on the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. These good results caused additional studies of peppermint oil on irritable bowel syndrome. Because straight peppermint oil is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream from the stomach, studies have concluded that enteric-coated capsules of peppermint oil deliver the benefit directly to the intestines, rather than to the stomach. An enteric-coated peppermint capsule that contains rosemary and thyme is extremely effective in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome because all three oils are classified as volatile oils, which are derivatives of plants that impart taste and aroma, The combination of these three oils can provide a great deal of relief to irritable bowel syndrome related pain.

Both clown’s mustard and enteric-coated peppermint oil can be taken together, but depending on the symptoms, people with irritable bowel syndrome may want to start with one supplement and then add the other one if it is needed. Both of these formulas are available at health food stores, natural product supermarkets, pharmacies, and from health professionals. Most sales personnel and health professionals that are knowledgeable about medications can direct consumers to the most effective products. When purchasing peppermint oil, be sure it is enteric coated, so that the oil is prevented from being absorbed in the stomach. The enteric coating on the capsule will deliver the peppermint oil directly through the stomach to the small intestine and eventually to the colon, where it can give the maximum benefits. To treat an irritable colon, 0.6 ml per day of enteric-coated peppermint oil is recommended by the German Commission E. This product can also be purchased in capsules. Sometimes, the enteric-coated peppermint oil can cause a burning sensation in the rectum when moving bowels. If this occurs, a simple reduction in the dosage will cure this. Those individuals who must refrain from alcohol should not take clown’s mustard in an herbal tincture, which could possibly contain alcohol.

Along with the above natural alternatives, irritable bowel syndrome patients have some other options to help themselves feel better. Because food allergies or food intolerances may be associated with irritable bowel syndrome, determining which foods cause episodes of irritable bowel syndrome and eliminating them from your diet can be very helpful. Reducing saturated fat, limiting calories, and increasing fiber can also be helpful in preventing symptoms that occur after a meal. Since stress also stimulates the intestinal hyperactivity, relaxation training, listening to therapeutic audiotapes, hypnosis, counseling, or biofeedback may help to reduce some of the irritable bowel syndrome symptoms. Peppermint Oil and other natural supplements are available at your friendly internet vitamin store.

Ideas for an Interactive Craft Show Booth

One of the ways you can attract new customers and cater to the old customers at craft shows is to make a few alterations to your craft show booth. I think adding a few interactive displays might be one of the tickets to adding a little ‘WOW' to your booth, and possibly enticing buyers to fork over a few dollars for your craft show item.

Here are a few ideas for making your craft show booth a little more interactive:

Rolling PowerPoint presentation – You may have already been into a few booths that have this sort of interactive display. This is work by having a computer inside the booth with a PowerPoint slide show that shows customers a few interesting things about your products. It might include the construction of the craft show item, alternatives to your craft, where they might be able to find supplies… etc. You can make this as creative and appealing as possible to attract a variety of new clients.

Have a television inside the booth – Not to show the latest reality show, news broadcast or soap opera – it will be to show a video or DVD related to your craft show item. You might have a knitting video on in the booth full of knitting items and supplies. Sometimes showing the actual crafting in progress gives people the inspiration to purchase items related to that craft.

Expert help – There is a good chance that you will need to have someone at the till, to accept payment for the craft show items. But, I think it is a good idea to have at least one more person (maybe two for a busy booth) who can answer the questions of consumers. Nothing beats having a hands-on person to be able to provide information and assistance in regards to the craft you are selling. People like to have a little personal service every once in a while.

Pamphlets, brochures and other reading material – Set up a rack or two inside the craft show booth that explains a few of your crafts and how they were made, supplies needed, and other interesting material. This qualifies as interactive, and as an added value for the customer.

Attracting people to the booth is one thing, but helping to make the sale is another. By adding more interaction inside the craft show booth, you increase the chance someone in the booth will be pleased with the added effort, and they will be more willing to hand over their hard earned cash for your craft.

Where to Search for Bad Credit Home Improvement?

You may be looking for adding a new room, expanding your kitchen or to renovate your home from a long time. But, lack of funds may be stopping you to make such alterations to your home. What are the other viable options that you can take in to consideration? An obvious answer to this would be seeking financial aid from some external source of finance. If you have ever applied for any sort of loan, you must know that your credit record is always taken in to consideration. But, what if you are suffering from bad credit record? Do not loose hope, there is still an option. You can apply for bad credit home improvement loan. Before opting for any such loan, you should have a clear cut idea about bad credit home improvement loan; let us discuss all the relevant details about these loans.

These days, there is no dearth of lenders offering bad credit home improvement loan at nominal rates. All you have to do is search well, collect and compare the quotes of more than one lender. For best nominal rates of bad credit home improvement loan, you can offer any of your assets as collateral to secure the loan amount. In turn of this risk coverage factor, your lender will facilitate you with innumerable benefits like lower rate of interest, larger loan amount, and flexible terms and conditions.

To make most of the various amazing benefits of bad credit home improvement loan, all you need to do is be extra careful with the repayment schedule of the loan amount. For any deferment in the repayment of the loan amount of bad credit home improvement will give your lender every right to seize your assets.

Another way to find best deal is to apply through various online sources. An online search for bad credit home improvement loan will cater you with innumerable lenders at a single, which will save much of your time and effort. You can compare and contrast the various quotes and crack the best deal due to sharp edged competition in the market.

Medical Hair Restoration

Medical hair restoration in the literal sense includes the hair loss treatment which depends upon the use of medicines.

Unusual hair loss both in men and women is caused by the alterations in the androgen metabolism. Androgen is a male hormone which has a major role to play in regulation of hair growth or hair loss. The dermal papilla is the most important structure in a hair follicle which is responsible for hair-growth. It is the dermal papilla, the cell of which divides and differentiates to give rise to a new hair follicle. The dermal papilla is in direct contact with blood capillaries in the skin to derive the nutrients for the growing hair follicle. Research has shown that dermal papilla got many receptors for androgens and there are studies which have confirmed that males have more androgenic receptors in dermal papilla of their follicles as compared to females.

The metabolism of androgen involves an enzyme called 5 alpha reductase which combines with the hormone androgen(testosterone) to form the DHT (Dihydro-testosterone). DHT is a natural metabolite of our body which is the root cause of hair loss.

Proper nutrition is critical for the maintenance of the hair. When DHT gets into the hair follicles and roots (dermal papilla), it prevents necessary proteins, vitamins and minerals from providing nourishment needed to sustain life in the hairs of those follicles. Consequently, hair follicles are reproduced at a much slower rate. This shortens their growing stage (anagen phase) and or lengthens their resting stage (telogen phase) of the follicle. DHT also causes hair follicle to shrink and get progressively smaller and finer. This process is known as miniaturization and causes the hair to ultimately fall. DHT is responsible for 95% of hair loss.

Some individuals both men and women are genetically pre-disposed to produce more DHT than the normal individuals. DHT also creates a wax-like substance around the hair roots. It is this accumulation of DHT inside the hair follicles and roots which is one of the primary causes of male and female pattern hair loss.

Blocking the synthesis of DHT at molecular level forms the basis for the treatment of MPHL ( male pattern hair loss) and FPHL ( female pattern hair loss). There are many natural DHT blockers and a number of drugs which are used for medical hair restoration.

Let us see the main drugs which are available for medical hair restoration in men and women.


Minoxidil has the distinction of the first drug being used for promoting the hair restoration. This medical hair restoration treatment drug was used earlier as an oral antihypertensive drug, but after its hypertrichosis (excessive body hair) effects were noticed, a topical solution of the drug was tested for its hair growing potential. Minoxidil was then approved as medical hair restoration treatment drug for men by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1988 as a 2% solution, followed by 5% solution in 1997. For women, the 2% solution was approved in 1991. Though 5% solution is not approved for women, it is used as a medical hair restoration treatment by many dermatologists worldwide. Both solutions are available without a prescription in the US.

Mechanism of action
Minoxidil is thought to have a direct mitogenic effect on epidermal cells, as has been observed both in vitro in vivo. Though the mechanism of its action for causing cell proliferation is not very clear, minoxidil is thought to prevent intracellular calcium entry. Calcium normally enhances epidermal growth factors to inhibit hair growth, and Minoxidil by getting converted to minoxidil sulfate acts as a potassium channel agonist and enhances potassium ion permeability to prevent calcium ions from entering into cells.

Thought the exact action of minoxidil preventing the formation of DHT has not been shown but the drug has been shown to have a stabilizing effect on the hair loss. The result of the drug takes about few months time to be evident since it is the time which is necessary for restoring the normal growth cycle of hair fibers.

Use of Minoxidil has approved by FDA for men (Norwood II-V) and women (Ludwig I-II ) older than 18 years. It is used as a medical hair restoration treatment either for frontal or vertex scalp thinning. It brings about an increase in density which is mostly caused by conversion of miniaturized hairs into terminal hairs rather than a stimulated de novo re-growth. The hair loss becomes stabilized after continued use of drug, which takes about a year’s time for the medical hair restoration treatment to show its complete results.

Hair loss restoration treatment with 0.05% betamethasone dipropionate and 5% topical minoxidil are found to be superior to minoxidil alone.

Topical minoxidil is very well tolerated and adverse effects are mainly dermatologic. The most frequent adverse effect is an irritant contact dermatitis.

Though minnoxidil does not have any effect on blood pressure, it should be used with caution in patient with cardiovascular diseases. It is also contraindicated in pregnant and nursing mothers.

The drug finasteride was earlier used as treatment for prostate enlargement, under the medical name Proscar. But in 1998, it was approved by FDA for the Medical hair loss restoration in MPHL.
Mechanism of Action
Medical hair restoration treatments with Finasteride depends upon its specific action as an inhibitor of type II 5б-reductase, the intracellular enzyme that converts male hormone androgen into DHT (Dihydro Testosterone). Its action results in significant decrease in serum and tissue DHT levels in even in concentration as low as 0.2mg. Finnasteride is able to stabilize hair loss in 80% of patient with Vertex hair loss and in 70% of patients with frontal hair loss. Most of these patients are able to grow more hair or retain the ones they have. The peculiar thing about Propecia is that its effect is more pronounced in crown area than in the front. The hair that grow after the medical hair restoration treatments are better in texture and are thicker, more like the terminal hair.

The best thing about medical hair restoration treatment with the finnasteride is that it is well tolerated and has minimal side effects. Sexual dysfunction (decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and decreased semen volume) are observed in about 3.8% of cases. But these side-effects subside within few months of Medical hair restoration treatments or disappear within a week’s time as soon as the treatment is stopped.

It generally requires about 6 to 12 months for the m edical hair restoration treatment to be apparent but the side effects appear earlier. So even after the medicine is stopped, there is no possibility of loosing the hair that has been gained, but the side effects are sure to disappear.

Many hair restoration surgeons find Propecia (finasteride) to act as an excellent adjunct to the surgical hair restoration. There are several benefits of this kind of combination therapy. As the Medical hair restoration with Propecia brings about a hair re-growth in the crown area, it has a complementary action; it allows the surgeon to have more donor hair to be available for frontal hair transplant and design the hairline at his own will. Since finasteride has no effect in the frontal area of the scalp, it does not have any interference with the surgical hair restoration.

Combination Therapy

There are reports which say that use of finasteride and topical minoxidil combination therapy as a Medical hair restoration treatment is of more advantage in cases of mild to moderate MPHL. Further studies are in progress. Many hair restoration doctors have already started the use of combination therapy in order to obtain better hair growth.

Anti Androgen Therapy

For women with hyperandrogonism( with increased levels of androgen) who do not respond well to minoxidil, antiandrogen therapy is another option of Medical hair restoration. In UK the most commonly used anti-androgen for women is CPA (cyproterone acetate), which is used in combination with ethinyl-estradiol.

However, in United States, where CPA is not available, the aldosterone antagonist spironolactone is the alternative choice of hair restoration doctors.


Medical hair restoration with flutamide has shown improvement as hair loss restoration treatment in women with hirsutism. For hyperandrogenic premenopausal women, flutamide is a better medical hair restoration agent than both the CPA or finestride.

Five Reasons to Implement Kaizen in Non-Manufacturing

aizen is a proven performance improvement tool. Adopted from modern Japanese manufacturers, like Toyota, Kaizen generates breakthrough improvements quickly, without huge capital investments and/or extensive commitments of employ time. Kaizen is an efficient, effective technique for producing change in manufacturing operations.
Kaizen improves performance in non-manufacturing situations as well. Ideal for a wide variety of industries, it’s well suited for non-manufacturing situations like those found in professional services, corporate headquarters, and branch offices. Entities like finance departments, corporate headquarters, national banks, and hospital emergency rooms all benefit from it.
Kaizen is appropriate for relatively straightforward, simple problems, problems that don’t involve numerous functions or complex processes. It is also appropriate for well-defined problems or when the dissatisfactory performance of the current state is due to only a few factors that don’t vary widely over time. The format for Kaizen can be individual, suggestion system, small group, or large group.
Reasons why a non-manufacturer would implement Kaizen include the following:
Lowers costs
Services differ from manufacturing. More variety exists in services than production. With manufacturing, the ideal is to produce the same product at the rate of customer demand. Manufacturers abhor variety because it slows production and creates the potential for incurring costs.
With services the ideal is to accommodate variety. A call center, for example, must handle as many different types of customer events as possible. Many events are the result of something not done or something not done right. Thus, services generate costs by “failure demand.”
Kaizen focuses on eliminating failure demand. Employees make suggestions on how to do things right and use Kaizen to make changes. By helping workers get it right, Kaizen minimizes the need for, as well as the cost of, doing something or providing a service. Obviously, the more things a service or non-manufacturer does right, the less cost it generates.
Immediate Results
Kaizen takes place one small step at a time. It’s driven to resolve specific problems. Instead of tackling large improvements, Kaizen makes minor enhances that solve large numbers of small problems. Thus, firms see Kaizen results quickly, encouraging them to make more suggestions. Large capital projects and major changes are still needed, but the real power of Kaizen is in making small improvements continually that improve processes or reduce waste. In short, Kaizen concentrates on making fast changes cost-effectively.
Reduces waste
Kaizen methodology involves making alterations, looking at the results, and then making additional alterations to improve the processes. These changes reduce waste, that is, eliminate activities adding cost only. Waste includes activities like overproduction; people, materials, or information waiting; unnecessary motions by workers; and unsynchronized transportation. It also includes excess inventory, correcting defective work, and unnecessary processing steps.
Energizes Employees
Kaizen depends on employees suggesting changes. For example, in 1999 alone, 7000 employees at a Toyota plant in the U.S submitted over 75,000 improvement suggestions, of which 99 percent were implemented. Kaizen encourages employees to come up with more and more of these small improvements, motivates them to improve their work lives, excites them about their work, and challenges them to be responsible for change. In other words, it empowers employees, enriches the work experience, and motivates workers.
Increase Productivity
A major national bank used Kaizen whenever it wanted to attack process speed and efficiency problems. The projects were all well defined, involved participants pulled off their jobs for only a few days, and included a cross-functional team. The projects also supported a cross-functional view of the process or work area.
Using Kaizen, the bank achieved cycle time improvements ranging from 30 percent faster to nearly 95 percent faster, measured sometimes in minutes and other times in days. One administration process went from 20 minutes to 12, and a complaint resolution process dropped from 30 days to 8. An added bonus for the bank was an increase in revenues. One high level project enabled the bank to charge for a service it had never charged for before. New revenues ran between $ 6 million and $9 million.
Kaizen produced similar results in an emergency room application. Standardizing layouts and stocking exam rooms increased nurse availability by 35 hours per week. Establishing a transportation procedure increased availability of patient care associates and nurses by 84 hours per week. Leveraging the existing ED information system reduced cycle time 71 per cent, to an average of 42 minutes.
Kaizen is a powerful improvement tool. It isolates employees from day-to-day tasks for a few days so they can concentrate on specific activities, like problem solving and improvement exclusively. Companies using kaizen find that they not only reduce waste and see immediate results, they also increase productivity, lower costs, and energize employees.

dance outfits

Many aspects have been covered in this article so that you can benefit from an extended research. Dance outfits are great because they allow free movement in your dancing routines. They have been made from diverse materials that are hardy yet flexible and nice. When you decide that you are going to have career in dancing you will need to pick out the clothes that will be of help. Thus you should refer with different individuals about the best dance outfits that will help inspire you.There are dance costume catalogs which will have some very interesting dance styles that you can wear. Sometimes if you are working in a dance company the dance dress up tailors will be fashioning the unlike dance outfits that may be requisite for various performances.To have the best possible fit for your dance outfits you should dress in under clothes that shape your body perfectly. This will let you or the other people who are preparing your dress to see what alterations might have to be done. Also as there are different effects that could be requisite having the dance outfits set against bare skin will let you see how the dress can appear to the audience.This pre-view is sometimes the best way to see what changes need to be made visually for dance outfits that will need to affect the audience. Once your dance kit has been chosen and the diverse alterations noted you will need to wait until you can try the outfit for the last time before you need it for a performance.As the day for the performance draws near you should take a good look at your dance outfits. Each of these outfits should not only fit you perfectly but there should not be any loose stitches or embellishments. In addition your dance outfits must be pressed or ironed into look its best for the performance.The next time that you are going away to wear your dance outfits will be at the scheduled performances. So as the time for the dancing event draws near you should start getting your diverse accessories ready. Just before it is time for the dance you will need to see that all of the final preparations are done. You can then fit into your dance outfit for the first of many appearances.While people love to dance there are many items that need to be seen to for the delight of the dance item to be in good order enjoyed. One of the items that audiences love beholding is the glittering dance outfits that are worn in various dance performances. So the next time that you go to a dancing performance take the time to value the sheer beauty, ingenuity and intricacy that goes into creating those sensational dance outfits. You are bound to love the dance even more.I want you enjoyed reading this article and found the data useful and interesting. Michael Malega presents several dance outfits articles for your information.

Bridal Gowns R Us

Often times the wedding gown is one of the first items purchased, however before you write that check…a few things need to be determined. You need to decide what kind of wedding you are planning on having; small or large, formal or informal, indoor or out. You will also need to determine your budget before you make any purchases. These decisions will make it easier when the time comes to purchase a dress and the right dress.
The purchase of a wedding gown should never conflict with your wedding decisions. For example if you are planning on having an intimate small wedding then a huge elaborate ball gown may not be appropriate or for an outdoor wedding you may want to reconsider a long train that will get dirty. The recommended percentage to spend on wedding attire (not only the wedding gown) is 10% of your total wedding budget. Therefore if you are having a $20,000 wedding then you would have $2000 to spend on wedding attire.
When shopping for your wedding gown take only one to two people with you and individuals that understand you and your style. Also make sure to come prepared with a strapless bra and appropriate shoes. Often times if you forget the bridal boutique will have items you can borrow while trying on their dresses. Also be careful not to wear sneakers and a baseball cap to try on dresses…trust me no dress will look good like it will on your wedding day.
You may find it helpful to bring a camera along while trying on gowns. Some boutiques will not allow their dresses to be photographed so make sure to ask permission before snapping away. If they do allow pictures it becomes a useful tool when you get home to remember and compare each of the final dresses.
Most bridal boutiques only carry one size in each dress so be sure to ask the assistant how long there orders take to arrive. The average is 4-6 weeks however it can take up to four months plus time for alterations. Make sure that the shop does alterations or they can recommend someone that has worked with their dresses in the past. The alterations should be done 2-4 weeks before the wedding and usually are an additional cost to the dress. When getting your dress altered make sure that you wear shoes and undergarments that you are planning on wearing the day of the wedding so the dress can be altered perfectly!
Wedding gown sizes run differently than regular clothing and they run a lot smaller. Therefore if you are normally a size 6 don’t be surprised if you wear an 8 or even a 10 in wedding gowns. It is important when choosing the right size to choose a size where it fits your largest body measurement and then the rest can be altered in. It is easier to make a dress smaller than to make it larger. Make sure to ask if the boutique will hold the dress until the wedding or if you have to store it.
If your budget is tight you may want to consider renting your wedding gown or purchasing a used gown. Some bridal boutiques will even rent both wedding gowns and bridesmaid’s dresses. Purchasing a used gown may be a better choice than renting especially if the rented dress has been worn numerous times. Often times brides that break their engagement or post pone their weddings will use a resale shop or classified ads for their un-used dresses.
When looking for bridesmaids dresses look in department stores and their catalogues. Often times they will have cheaper dresses and a variety of sizes. You can also look online for a wedding gown and attendants dresses however when purchasing online be careful of the quality of the dress and their return policy.
After purchases have been made there is several things to consider with you dress, including will you need to buy a strapless bra, slip and/or appropriate shoes. Make sure that you will comfortable in your dress from head to toe! Jewelry, veils and headpieces are also items to consider. Make sure these items complement the dress and not distract. Lastly consider your hairstyle, will you have an up do or leave it down and curled? When you are choosing a hairstyle make sure to consultant your hair stylist and choose a hair style months in advance.
If you are looking for Colorado Bridal Boutiques check out for great vendors and more wedding attire etiquette. Good luck in the adventure of Bridal Gowns R Us and make sure to make your wedding gown true to YOU!

Some things about the fibromyalgia syndrome

here are a few events that can determine the apparition of the fibromyalgia syndrome. For example, an automobile accident, a viral or bacterial infection, or a disorder like lupus, hypothyroidism, or rheumatoid arthritis. It is not sure if these factors really lead to fibromyalgia syndrome, but there is a great chance that they will awaken an underlying physiological abnormality that already exists.
In order to find out what exactly this abnormality is, there are being made investigations that concern the hormonal irregularities, immune system function, the pain-related chemical transmitters, especially some alterations are searched.
There are modern brain imaging techniques that explore various aspects of brain function. Also, it is being evaluated the body’s response to stress and exercise, and alterations in the operation of the autonomic nervous system.
It was discovered that in the spinal fluid of people having fibromyalgia syndrome, substance P is increased threefold, and nerve growth factor is increased fourfold, and the scientists are working to find out why this situation exists.

It is known that deep level sleep is important for many body functions, for example for antibody production, tissue repair, the regulation of various neurotransmitters, hormones and immune system chemicals.
Sleep disorders are a fact that often appears in fibromyalgia syndrome patients. It is very important that the sleep disorders to be treated first, because they can contribute to the symptoms of the fibromyalgia syndrome. There can be prescribed medications that increase the level of serotonin and norepinephrine. Usually, these medications are prescribed in low doses, and we can mention here cyclobenzaprine, amitriptyline and Cymbalta.
Medications that are used to aid sleep are: clonazepam, trazodone, Ambien, and Lunesta.
Other medications, such as Ultram are being used to treat the pain, and in moderate and severe cases, stronger opioids may be needed.
There can be also prescribed muscle relaxants, anti-epileptics like Lyrica and Neurotin, and other drugs categories too.

Also, many patients will have to follow other treatment methods too, like acupuncture, acupressure, trigger point injections with lidocaine, chiropractic care, therapeutic massage, physical therapy, occupational therapy, or a gentle exercise program.

There were made long-term studies, that followed the fibromyalgia syndrome evolution. It was revealed that this disease is chronic, but its symptoms may vary, they may sometimes rise, and sometimes decrease. The fibromyalgia syndrome has different impact among patients, it affects them differently. This syndrome can affect the daily living activities, and here we must also mention that it can affect ability to work a full-time job.

In conclusion, we may say that fibromyalgia syndrome can produce harm just as rheumatoid arthritis, can affect patients differently, and first, it is necessary a treatment to improve the quality of sleep and to release the pain

How to Start a Sewing Business

15 years ago I was given the best advice: "discover what you like to do, figure out how you
can sell it to others, then make a living".
Most people who sew, love it. Why not take that love and profit? Starting a sewing business
can be one of the most fulfilling, enjoying businesses one can start and profit from. I
started my businesses doing alterations. I told a couple of my co-workers and not long after,
every other day I was taking a co-worker's clothes home for alterations.


A sewing business is creative, enjoyable and Stressful. There are deadlines to be met,
sometimes there are difficult customers to deal with -- The person who is never pleased, the
individual who keeps changing their mind or the customer who wrote a bounced check and refuses
to pay.

A sewing business can be started in the home or outside the home and start-up costs are
usually low if you already have a sewing machine and serger.

There are numerous sewing businesses to choose from:
1. Custom Sewing Biz, also called custom clothier or custom dressmaker. A custom clothier
sews garments for individual clients.

2. Custom Designer. A custom designer is similar to a dressmaker with the exception of being
a ‘designer’. A custom designer sews for individual clients using their own designs, rather
than sew from patterns. A custom designer may also run a small design business (also called
small time operator) and sell their designs to stores and boutiques.

For both the custom designer and custom clothier there are numerous areas of specialization
they can enter: bridal sewing, children’s clothing, men’s wear, dance wear, costumes, choir
robes, women’s wear, high couture clothing, intimate apparel, plus-sized clothing, sewing for
handicapped individuals, and the list goes on…

3. Sewing for Weddings. The bridal business is big business. Weddings happen 365 days a year
and the average couple spends thousands of dollars on their ceremony. The bide to be wants
everything to be perfect, including her wedding gown and wedding accessories – all of which
can be created by a sewing professional.

4. Sewing for the Home. this includes custom window treatments, slipcovers, pillows, shower
curtains, and on…

5. Sewing Crafts – from dolls to toys.

6. Alterations. From sewing a seam to replacing a zipper. Alterations can be a profitable
business as many people have something hanging in their closet that needs repair – and they
have no idea how to do it. Specializing also increases you profits, such as bridal
alterations because 9 out of 10 retail wedding gowns require some type of alteration.

7. Sewing for pets.

Getting Started.

First determine the type of sewing you would enjoy most. Then determine your client base –
what are their needs and how can you reach them? Where and how will you sell your products or
services? Who is your competition?
There are two important skills you must have to start a sewing business. An ability to sew
well and total knowledge of the area in which you are sewing. If you intend on starting a
business sewing wedding gowns, you must know everything there is to know about wedding gowns
and the bridal business. Potential clients will be interested in your skill and knowledge.
Most will look to you for advice from anything to making them look good to planning a wedding.
Other skills include basic business knowledge and people skills. A sewing business is a
people business as you will be required to have regular face-to-face meetings with clients
and/or buyers. You will be dealing with all types of people and personalities. You may be
required to develop a thick skin as now all customers will like your work.
Advertising a sewing business is usually done by word of mouth, which is usually very
effective. You do a good job for one client and the word spreads. Other ways to advertise
are placing a listing in your local phone directory, leaving your business card and/or flyer
in fabric shops, beauty salons and cleaners and/or design your own web site which lists your
services, the benefits of your services and visual pictures of your work.
Who needs your services?
Anyone who requires quality, custom-made garments, items or home decor accessories.

Design Of Experiments With Six Sigma

The Basic Concepts Underlying DOE

Six Sigma stresses making alterations in existing business processes for improving overall efficiency. To make effective alterations, it is important to first understand the various aspects of business processes so that the cause and effect relationship between various processes can be determined. However, this is easier said than done because most business processes comprise of multiple sub processes, which themselves are quite complicated.

Making alterations in a simple business process having just two to three sub-processes is easy, but the task becomes quite difficult when alterations are to be made in a business process having more than ten sub-processes. The level of difficulty goes on increasing with an increase in the number of sub-processes. This is where DOE is beneficial as it can easily crawl through vast amounts of data that is generated as part of the six-sigma implementation process. This data is meant for understanding the cause and effect relationship between various processes and sub-processes, but since the amount of data generated is quite huge, advanced tools such as DOE are used.

Why Is DOE Necessary?

DOE analyses the data and generates quantifiable results, which are then used for defining the type of experiments or alterations that are to be conducted for achieving Six Sigma quality levels. Conducting pre-tests or experiments is necessary in Six Sigma because the organizational efficiency and productivity are at stake while the implementations are going on. If Six Sigma concepts and methodologies are not implemented properly, it can seriously affect the company's bottom-line and lead to redundancies.

Another thing is that organizations cannot hope to achieve desired results just by conducting wayward and misguided experiments or alterations. DOE is effective because it helps Six Sigma professionals in selecting the most suitable experiment designs that in turn would help in achieving the desired results. In the absence of DOE, it would be quite difficult to ascertain the type of experiments that are to be conducted.

Other Uses And Benefits

DOE can also be used for understanding the root cause of variations in a business process. Business processes are designed for delivering exactly the same quality and quantity, irrespective of what they are being used for, be it for manufacturing a product or rendering a service. However, maintaining this level of consistency is not always possible because the efficiency of business processes can be affected by various variable factors that are quite difficult to decipher.

This is where DOE can help because it can analyze vast amounts of data related to the variations and generate results that can be used for pointing out the root cause of variations. Once the variations have been eliminated, it would become quite easy for Six Sigma professionals to successfully carry out the implementations. DOE is thus an inseparable part of Six Sigma implementations in any type of industry.